Deworming Puppies and Dogs with Pyrantel Pamoate 50 mg/mL

Pyrantel Pamoate: The Ultimate Deworming Solution for Dogs and Young Puppies

Looking for an effective and economical deworming treatment for your canine companions, pregnant and lactating dams, and their puppy litters?

Look no further than Oral Pro – Pyrantel Pamoate 50 mg/mL Oral Suspension to keep them healthy and worm-free!

Why Choose Pyrantel Pamoate 50 mg/mL?

This powerful deworming solution offers several advantages:

  • Highly Effective: Eliminates roundworms and hookworms in dogs and puppies
  • Versatile: Safe for use in pregnant and lactating females
  • Cost-Efficient: More concentrated formula compared to popular brands
  • Convenient: Larger bottle provides multiple treatments for several dogs

Superior Concentration, Superior Value

Unlike big-name brands like Nemex 2 or Durvet 2X – their 2 oz bottles only contain 4.54 mg of pyrantel pamoate per mL, compared to Oral Pro that have 50 mg pyrantel pamoate per mL.

Which means…

  • Oral Pro delivers maximum potency in much smaller doses.
  • You’ll need to use less product per treatment
  • One bottle will last longer and save you money in the long run.

One Bottle, Multiple Treatments

Pyrantel Pamoate: The Ultimate Deworming Solution for Dogs and Young Puppies

Investing in a larger bottle of Pyrantel Pamoate 50 mg/mL Oral Suspension allows you to treat multiple dogs or provide several rounds of deworming for your growing puppies. It’s a smarter choice for multi-dog households and dog breeders looking to optimize their pet care budget.

  • Shake the suspension fluid bottle thoroughly.
  • Oral Administration: for accuracy ensure you’re using an appropriately sized oral syringe.
  • Syringe size matters and depends on the dosage amount. *Syringe size chart below.
  • Ensure the entire dosage is consumed.

Dosage Chart for Dogs and Puppies

  • Puppies who weigh under 5 lbs. require a higher dose of Pyrantel than those who weigh more than 5 lbs. Follow the chart below.
  • This dosage chart does NOT work for other Pyrantel Pamoate brands like Nemex 2 or Durvet 2X
  • This dosage chart is for 50 Mg/ML Pyrantel Pamoate Oral Suspension only – like Oral Pro

Pyrantel Pamoate Dosage Chart for Dogs

Weight (lbs) Dosage (mL)
2 lbs0.2 mL
4 lbs0.4 mL
6 lbs0.6 mL
8 lbs0.8 mL
10 lbs1 mL
15 lbs1.5 mL
20 lbs2.0 mL
25 lbs2.5 mL
30 lbs3 mL
35 lbs3.5 mL
40 lbs4 mL
45 lbs4.5 mL
50 lbs5 mL
55 lbs5.5 mL
60 lbs6 mL
65 lbs6.5 mL
70 lbs7 mL
75 lbs7.5 mL
80 lbs8 mL
85 lbs8.5 mL
90 lbs9 mL

Purchase Pyrantel Pamoate and Safe-Guard on Amazon for quick, cost-effective delivery!
See the dosage charts for Safe-Guard-Fenbendazole on our website!

Once the puppies are born follow the following guidelines.

This guide is mostly intended to assist my fellow dog breeders but can also be useful for dog owners however, please note, that I am not a veterinarian and I do recommend consulting your veterinarian for professional advice first to ensure you have the appropriate medication for this chart and you’re using the appropriate dosage for your dog’s weight and age.

I am an experienced dog breeder who wants to share useful information and pet products I recommend and have been using with my puppies and dogs for years.

Socialiazation Checklist

Download the Socialization Checklist PDF for New Puppy Owners below.


To protect your pet from contagious diseases, keep his essential vaccinations up-to-date.

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